Better to ask away than to go astray!

What program do you use for drawing?

I use Clip Studio Paint! I can't stop recommending it to everyone around me. It's honestly one of the best art softwares I've ever used.

What brushes do you use?

I have a lot of packs with brushes I got so long ago I forgot where did I get them from so here is a zip file with those I modified to my tastes and use all the time but sadly have no memory on who actually made them.

And here are the ones I actually know where they came from

Why is your Instagram inactive?

I simply can't log in. Not sure why since I tried to recover my password and complained to the support many times. Maybe I'll be able get back there one day.

Can I repost your art?

With my permission or a clear credit yesIt's not pleasant to see my work reposted but since I can't exactly force people not to do that, please just at least mention me as the original creator.
Thank you

Can I use your art as a profile picture/header/phone background?

Yes! Absolutely!But just as I mentioned above, a proper credit would be lovely!

Do you accept requests/art trades?

Only from friends and mutuals.

Do you accept commissions?

Yes!Although I'm still in the process of creating a proper portfolio and a price list, you can contact me about details through my email or direct messages on twitter/tumblr.
I open at least 4 commission slots every month

Will you ever make any kind of art tutorial?

I'm not sure. I'm certain I'm underqualified to make full on tutorials, but I can sprinkle an advice here and there if someone feels like I might be the right person to help ^^

Do you use references? Where do you get them from?

Rarely (which is bad, don't be like me) but when I do, I mostly use my own pictures, pinterest and photos made by those lovely people:

And here is a site I really like when it comes to figure drawings:

What does your work flow look like?

oH boy it's chaotic and very impulse driven.Sometimes I start from sketch, other times I'll just throw splashes of color around until it looks like something. But each time before I decide to fully work on any painting - I do a little thumbnailing to help me get the idea out of my head. ^^ the rest is just rendering everything until it looks finished.
Not very professional, I know.